Wednesday, April 2, 2008

*^*LiFe Is StraNgE*^*

Passion never knows sex (gender). That is briefly what I can tell about the plot of ‘Passion’. The play we have to watch in order to complete part of our assignment. Well, thank you for those who have sacrifice their time and energy to make this trip happen. But, unfortunately, it is not so worth it. The play was rather lame and I was lucky for not putting any high expectation on it. It was a mute play, and the only way to read their mind is based on their facial expression, music, lighting, costume and their movement. Each step while they were dancing means something that I hardly interpret. Since, they were not saying any single word starts from the very beginning till the end, I felt so depressing!! Huh! Yes, it is a kind of art, I have to admit it, but yet, I’m not so artistic to tell what is actually happen in the play. However, it was an interesting experience to have. There was only one thing that made me stay focus; I was amazed by their dance. I don’t have any idea how they can bend their body in such way!! But I believe, it takes a lot of effort and practice.
I also noticed that without any set up setting, the play was still can be carried out. The elements of play that I have mentioned above, has help in arising the mood of the play. For instance, the red shade and dress shows anger and passion, while the blue fade means calm.
To conclude, even tough there is not much to say about this play, I have learnt and gained something from it. I do hope we have a chance to watch a better play next time.


Siti Noraini Hamzah said...

Yes, I really agree on Maisarah's view on the play, that passion never knows its sex.And the fact that this play is so not worth watching.Although it is more of a musical drama but at least it should have more dialogues in it.The music is boring especially the tick-tock sound which is so irritating.Every step or move that they make means something which I hardly can interpret. What was the director thinking?? Its like a masturbation play! Theres even a scene where this couple hug and puff franticly as if making out. That scene already took about 15 minutes!!Gosh!I just do not get it. I'd rather watch a malay movie than watch this again.

mimin said...

i agree with you, maisarah. the play did managed to captured others attention, but sadly the story line was played in not very convincing way. the dance moves helped a lot in understanding, but i get irritated by the fact that actually it was sexually connotated. i hate part when there were these two actors were like having real sex in front of the audiences! i got completely turned off. that was not the way express feelings in Malaysian style.